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My professional CV

Everything you need to know about me:

I´m Zoltán, and my career journey has taken an exciting turn. While I´ve thrived in sales and customer service within the automotive aftermarket industry, I´ve also been independently developing my tech skills. This self-taught journey has ignited a passion for web development, particularly in software testing and cloud technologies an A.I. Now, I´m eager to leverage my diverse skillset and transition into the IT industry. My resume showcases a unique blend of sales experience and emerging tech knowledge, demonstrating my readiness for a seamless shift. It highlights how my customer-facing skills translate perfectly to the IT world, where understanding user needs is paramount. This website is a testament to my abilities. I´ve built it using modern front-end technologies, proving my competence in creating new, engaging websites.

Comenius University in Bratislava --> Master degree in Human Geography, Demography and Public Administration (2017)
Job History
More than 8 years of experience in Sales and Customer service, Business Administration
General Skills
Foreign languages (English, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian), Communication, Customer service, Leadership, Interpersonal Skills, Active Listening
IT Skills
Microsoft Office, Linux/Windows, Adobe Creative Suite, Git, GitHub, Docker, Python, JavaScript (React, Vue, Next.js), HTML, CSS (Bootstrap, Tailwind, Bulma), AWS Cloud, Databases (MongoDB, SQL), Testing (JMeter, Jira, Postman, Selenium etc.)